Tuesday, August 25, 2009

La Lama

This is just a side story from one of the days when we got lost.

I think it was the day we went to Plaza las Americas. Like i had previously said- the gps on our Iphones weren't the most reliable thing. It took a while for satellite feed so our location on the gps was always delayed. The streets were confusing as it was, and with the drivers being so aggressive, Juju had to focus on the road while i watched the gps and tried to locate us on a map we were given at the hotel. Finally, i found our location both on the map and the gps. Turn right at the next light i told juj.

So he obliged and made the turn and on we went. The street was actually pretty clear, wasn't congested at all. The oncoming traffic was light, but oddly enough they had 2 lanes for traffic, whereas we only had one, I thought it was weird but nonetheless we continued. About 1.5 miles into the drive down this street i notice a cop pull up behind us, in the distance. At this point i realize that our gps says we are going away from the hotel rather then getting closer. So i tell juj to make a left into a parking lot so we can go the other way, so he does and as we are parked, looking at the map, the cop flashes his light and pulls up right behind us.

Oh my god, what did we do? i think to myself. I quickly go thru the sequence of events since we started traveling down this particular road. Then it comes to me. Juju sorta semi took a red light- in the puerto rican driving spirit. Im starting to panic, this is it. We are in trouble with the law. This is exactly how it happen on Locked up abroad. My mind is racing- what do we say, do we apologize and plea for a 'warning'? Do i tell him we are tourists? What if hes a crooked cop, Can we buy him off?

He approaches the car, Juju rolls down the window.

"Where are you heading" the cop asks

"Back to our hotel"

"Do you know where you were traveling in?"

"no" we both replied

"You were in the lama lane"

Blank stares...

"La lama, la lama" He urges.

Blank stares... And then i think, is there lamas in Puerto Rico?

"Are you Puerto Rican?"

"he is, I'm not" i say, clearing my name quickly. ( way to throw the new hubby under the bus huh?)

"you don't know what the lama is?" he asks


"La wawa, el autobus, el camion"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... We were in the bus lane. Not only that, but it happened to be a one way bus lane, and we were traveling towards the potential oncoming traffic.
We then explained we were tourist and lost our way trying to get back to the hotel. He said okay, he'd let us go with a warning, but to pay more attention to the traffic lane signs. He directed us to back to the hotel.

On our way back, i couldn't help but laugh... Of course it would happen to us, why wouldn't it? The thing that really got me, is that we were traveling the wrong way on this street for quite some time... and no one cared to tell us. Luckily nothing happened, we just walked away from it with another interesting story to add to our collection.

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