Monday, March 29, 2010

Ketchup Day

So I've fallen behind a lot on my blogging. I have no real good excuse, i just have. So here is what Ive seen called Ketchup Day. Its a blog entry compiled of random information to get you up to date with out going into too much detail.

My birthday was quite spectacular this year. Mon, Cristy, Juju and I went to Chicago for the weekend. We stayed in a suite (term being used loosely) at club quarters downtown Chicago. Once we arrived in Chicago we all relaxed for a bit before getting ready to head out to Transit. I really enjoyed our time there, we danced and enjoyed a few drinks. We tried heading to rush and division street but we were left stranded in the middle of a turning down business strip. Nothing was open, it was freezing outside and Cristy and I were wearing party dresses. We had no other choice then call it a night. We did enjoy subway before hopping back in a cab. The next morning we went to west egg, off a fellow bloggers recommendation, had a delicious breakfast and did a little shopping on Michigan avenue. We stopped at Lavazza, picked up a few cups of coffee and headed back out. We saw elmo working a corner on Michigan avenue, not his proudest moment. It was a great weekend, i had a ton of fun, and the only casualty was Cristy's pink camera. RIP pink camera.

School- Ive been back in school for about 6 months now. Im not going to lie, its been hard. I forgot how hard being a student was. Not only that, but being a student, having a full time career, being a wife, being a pet mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a grown up.... a blogger all at the same time, can be a bit overwhelming at times. Although my classes are once a week, they make my much hated Mondays even worse. I work from 8-5 and have class from 6-10, by the time i make it home the only thing i have energy for is to get into bed. I am glad that i went back to school though. Yes, it is more difficult at this point in my life, but I appreciate it that much more. I've always thought that those kids who were able to do nothing else but concentrate on school were the luckiest people ever. Real college kids. Oh how i longed to have had that opportunity. But today, as i look back at these past 6 months i realized how much i have accomplished, and not only have accomplished but under the given circumstance.... college kids envy me now. =-)

I find myself once again dealing with my weight. Today i sit at 127. I know that's not a lot, but its a few pounds too many for my preference, and my clothes. Before Juju and i got married i went on a diet and work out regimen to make sure i fit into my wedding dress, and of course to be bikini ready for our honeymoon. Lately, its just been very hard to eat healthy. I mean sure, i can blame it on the winter weight and the holidays... but that was about 4 months ago. Not long ago i went shopping for a spring wardrobe refresher and i tried embracing the fact that i had a gained a few pounds. Unfortunately, the next size up was too big and my current size is too small. So my options are: either i lose i few pounds or i gain a few and buy an entire new wardrobe. So lose a few pounds it is. I just cant seem to find the motivation to head to the gym... can you help me find it?

Juju got a new job! Im sure not his dream job, but a step closer where he wants to be. I dont think i tell him enough, but i am proud of him. Its a stark contrast from what he was doing. I know it wasnt an easy move for him, but i know he did it for us, his little family- Juj, Cookie and I. It might come with a bit of adjustments on both ends, but in the end all of the sacrafice will be worthwhile.

We had been working on getting our house together for the last couple of months. After a few more trips to Ikea and Home Goods we are finally satisfied with our finished project. I dont have many before pictures, but i will eventually get around to taking some after. Funny enough, we talked about finally having a house warming party... almost a year after getting married. Hey better late then never huh? We have a laundry list of people we need to have over for dinner. You want to come?


That's all i really have for now. Sorry this ketchup day was so long.


Cristy said...

1st...tear pink camera...
2nd.. i gotta work on my tummy, lets do it...
3rd.. im hungry feed me dinner...

Lorena said...

Ay Cristy, you made me laugh so hard with #3. I really needed that. And of course I'll feed you. Anytime!!