Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Speaking of B's

On Thursday, NYEeve, i took a spanish CLEP exam. The CLEP exams are meant to help students save time and money by granting college credit for high scoring test results. Scores range from 20-80. In order to earn 6 credits you need a minimum score of 50, to earn 12 credits you need a minimum score of 63. Well ladies and gent(s)[<---maybe]....

I made that test my BITCH.

Yeah, i said it. my bitch.

I got a 78 on that bad boy!! Hold your applause.

I was thrilled to pieces when i found out i earned 12 credits, I was only expecting to earn 6 credits so i was floored when i saw 12 credits on the results page. TWELVE credits. 4 classes worth. Do you know what that means?  I am saving a couple of thousand dollars and my precious precious time. This doesn't change the number of classes I'm taking next semester.... as i still need those classes, but I'm dropping a class I'm waitlisted on and not taking another class all together, and ill end up having an extra credit or two by the time i graduate.

Okay, go ahead. Now you can clap.

1 comment:

Newlyweds on a Budget said...

that's awesome news!!! you can't see me right now, but i'm giving you a standing ovation!

(ok, i'm lying, i'm sitting on the couch, but i'm too tired to get up! i ran 3 miles today and i'm pooped! but in my head, i'm giving you a standing ovation--so it's literally the thought that counts, right? hehe)