Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day challenge?

We've decided to go to the dells for Jujus birthday. That means i have exactly 30 days (as of Tuesday) until i get into a swim suit. That also means i have 30 to try to lose a few pounds and tighten jiggly areas, if possible.

My biggest issue is my stomach. Its not like its incredibly huge, but it'll be challenge to suck it in for the 3 days that we'll be there. My biggest obstacle right now is my toe. Darn toe. I'm still limping around on my crutch and some days, by the end of the day my foot is swollen and i can feel my heart beat in my big toe. That's my excuse right now, at least its a good one. I tend to always have excuses for not working out, but this one is legit.

So today is day 3 of my 30 day challenge.

I am eating a lot better. I'm not eating just lettuce and carrots, mind you... I'm no bunny- But I've cut down my portions and opt out of empty calories. I haven had soda in a few days. Not even diet. I'm drinking more water- because reserve logic... drinking lots of water helps you release retained water. I wish fat would work that way too.... hm.

Even with my injured toe i have managed to get some exercise in. I did Pilates one day and i did Turbo Jam the other. Both days i "butt blasting" (yes, Butt Blasting") workouts to work my bum. Yesterday i even ventured on to the exercise ball, and i only fell over twice. That's progress ladies and gentlemen.

I've been keeping a food diary, and include everything i eat during the day. Including half a frozen pizza. There's something wrong with me, i know.

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure if 30 days is enough to make a difference but I'm going to try pretty darn hard. I figure, I'm aiming for a six pack... if i fail, and fall short, a four pack will do.

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