Saturday, September 17, 2011

It was all a dream

I cant count the number of nights that Juju has awakened me from a bad dream.... or is laughing his ass off because im talking in my sleep or I wake up and talk about my current dream- not knowing it was a dream.

Every since I got pregnant I have been having dreams- good, bad & ugly- just about every night. Ive read that you have very vivid dreams while pregnant. I've had all sorts of dreams. I have trouble sleeping through the night at this point in my pregnancy as it is... now throw in crazy dreams every night?!... that makes for a very sleepy pregnant woman the next day!

I once dreamt that juju was living 2 houses away from me, while being married. I woke up mid dream and told him that it would be a lot easier for us to cuddle if he moved closer.

The most recent dream included John Galliano, Yes. Galliano. He wanted me to join him as a groupie... of all women.  Go figure.

A few days ago I had one of the most beautiful dreams. EVER. I saw my baby in my dreams. The baby had a head full of hair and it was just perfect. It was so realistic. I woke up and told Juju that I saw the baby in my dreams- to which he responded... You know that doesn't count right?!?  I cant wait to meet my sweet sweet baby!

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