Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Back!!

I'm finally home. I had to extend my trip an additional 2.5 days due to inclement weather in Texas and O'Hare. Honestly, i was devastated when i learned that our flights had been canceled. I was beyond ready to come home. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but i love them in little increments- I had spent all the time i wanted to with them already, i missed juju and i missed cookie, and i missed my bed, and i missed my toilet, and i missed having hot water at the turn of the faucet. I was just missing HOME. I'm sorta bummed that i missed the snow days, i had been looking forward to one all winter long. I really hope we get another storm, thought i highly doubt it.

I feel guilty to say that I'm tired, i know, i know, I just came home from 'vacation', how could i be tired? Well, I'll tell you how. Our flight left from Leon at 6:45 am on Thursday, so that means we were up pretty early to allow enough time for travel to the airport and those pesky mandatory waiting hours prior to your flight departing. Its impossible to sleep on an airplane, i don't care what anyone says. We landed in O'Hare, which was nose hair freezin' cold, shortly before 2 pm. I got home, tried (using that term loosely) to tidy up, but all i wanted to do was be attached to Juju's hip. After eating, we settled in front of the T.V were i dozed off for about an hr. Went to bed around 11 or so. I was up the next day by 6. Worked 10 hours, had a school group meeting at 7:30, ate dinner at 10 and was knocked out by midnight. The next day i was up by 8, went up to work for a few hours, seeing that i missed an additional 2 days of work. Juju and i spent our entire Saturday being couch potatoes. AND I LOVED IT. Sunday was all about homework, except for the few times i felt asleep on my business law book, a little Superbowl, and then back to homework. Out like a lamp after midnight. Beep, Beep, Beep. Stupid Monday morning. Back to the grind. Work and now I'm in class. Ive had 3 cups of coffee in the last 3 hours (& a headache to make matters worse), and I'm pretty sure I'll be out as soon as my head hits the pillow- why? well because i have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow.

I'm starting to think that these grocery bags under my eyes will never go away.

I have yet to download the pictured off my moms camera, once i do, i will start recapping my pilgrimage to San Juan

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