Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Quit Your Whining

I've lived in Wisconsin all my life, as well as the majority of the people that i know. And one topic that never ceases to amaze me is the weather. Yes. Weather.

People complain when its cold. I understand. I mean Wisconsin winters consists of snow and ice and very very cold temperatures... -10F with a -30 windchill? yes. Its very common. And yet people are shocked when they step outside and their nose hairs freeze instantly. Its called winter.

Then people complain that we have very short summers. This again is true. We have falls and winters that seem to last forever. Our summers are short and sweet. We typically don't experience heat like Texas or California. We have Midwest summers. Wisconsin's east border is surrounded by water. Its called the "lake effet'.   

Yesterday... it was this hot.
Not very typical for Wisconsin

And while its not the most favorable conditions to be outside, or running errands, I think we all need to take this weather with a grain of salt. Be thankful that you are able to see the sun, that you are able to feel its warmth on your face. Try explaining to the other half of the world that is in famine that your air conditioner went out last week and it is impossible to live with out it. Seriously people, lets find some eperspective here.

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