Monday, December 27, 2010

Mi Vida Loca

My crazy life. Not that gangta'. But indeed it will be crazy.

Yesterday, i had a lot going on in my life.

As of today, i have a butt load going on in my life. Times 2.

With the intent of graduating in December next year, I am taking additional classes next "semester". I use " " because i don't really have semesters, i sorta go to school year round, which is why I constantly feel like im on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Anyhow. I'm considered a full time student due semester hour technicalities, even thought i only have classes on Mondays. Well... technicalities no more i tell you. I will be taking 2 additional 16 week classes at MATC and 2 additional 6/7 week courses at Stritch (not simultaneously, but consecutively).... to accompany my regular Monday night class.

Lets recap shall we?

Monday- Regularly scheduled class at Stritch 6-10... my next (Business Law) class starts on Monday.
Tuesday- Mequon campus MATC 5:30-7:00pm Intro to Nutritional Science... say whaa?? yeah. Its an elective. I need so many electives since I'm am already scheduled for all my required courses. And when i transfer ed my credits from MATC to Stritch, my earlier (non business degree oriented) credits didn't transfer... damn you early childhood education credits. damn you.
Wednesday- West Allis campus MATC 6:30-9:30pm Elements of Speech. Oddly enough i need a speech class, who would have thought? And allll these years no one told me. hmmm.
Thursday- Stritch (2/10-3/17) 6-10pm Managing Cultural Diversity (meh) Another elective class.
Thursday-Stritch (3/24-4/28) 6-10pm Study of Non-Western Religions <--- I'm looking forward to this one the most... diversity shmiversity
Friday- you will most likely find me drowning in a bottle of wine. maybe two.

Oh... and for $hits and Giggles (<--- one of my new favorite sayings) I successfully completed a "History of Wisconsin" course at MATC.

AND I have a CLEP Exam scheduled for Thursday. (NYE eve) Might as well finish the year off with a bang right?

I know what your thinking.... are you nuts? Its up to debate, but no. I'm not. I'm determined. This extreme overload in school will only be for a few months. Sure, I'll be stressed. Sure, I'll get some grays. Sure, I'll be the biggest B word for those few months. But it'll be worth it. I know its a lot. But thankfully, i have an amazing husband and an amazing family and amazing friends, in a nutshell, an amazing support system. And at the end of the day, I'm doing this for him, for them, for me.

In fact, it might not seem like it, but I'm actually being precautious. See, I'm scheduled to graduate... December... let me check the calendar.... December 10/11 ish of 2011. All the extra classes on my schedule end by May 18th. I chose to take all the classes in the first half of the year, didn't want to leave anything to chance, ya know?

Ok, so now that you think I've completely lost it. I plan on doing all this.... WHILE trying to get promoted at work. Come January i will be on a personal developmental plan to get to the next step in my career. Lovely.


Cristy said...

I'm right there with ya girl... I'm taking three at uwm.. two at matc.. nervous breakdown here we come...

Anonymous said...

What are you majoring in? I am going to enroll @ Stritch this summer. Are you aiming for the analyst roll? Id like to chat more w/ you re this.
- Adela