Saturday, August 13, 2011

1+1 =3 (+dog)

The one time math doesn't add up- Yet it makes perfect sense.

I'm thrilled to announce that Juju and I are expecting our first bundle of joy early February 2012.

I spared you the pee tip and the brand- you know this isn't a free publicity post for first response, though i did find out i was pregnant up to six days before your missed period.  ;-)  I always wondered if i would be that persons who's first thought would be 'holy shit hurry get the camera' right after having peed on a stick. I am.

I can't believe I (we) were able to keep this secret for so long. I had to stay away from the blog in fear that I may just give in and blurt it out. I am so excited- its one of those feelings that you cant describe.

Stay tuned for additional Q&A, I've received plenty of question and I hope to answer the majority here. Please, feel free to stop being a shadow stalker- follow; don't stalk.


Newlyweds on a Budget said...

I would like to come out as one for the first bloggers to know the truth!! And I am absolutely THRILLED for you! I have no idea how bloggers keep this a secret for so long--I would most likely be telling everyone and their mother! haha

eeeeeeeeeee!!! ok now i want all the details!! SPILL!

Anonymous said...

We are suuuuper excited and happy for you guys! We can't wait!!!

Lorena said...

@newlywed- Well... when two people love each other...

@Gaby- thank you thank you. We are so anxious to bring this little person into our lives!!