Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Taking Care of My Baby

Cookie is my fur baby ya'll. She's the current boss at home, don't tell her, and I love her to death.  Last week I noticed an odd looking patch of hair on her back. After doing some research I self diagnosed her with ringworm. I went to petco/petsmart and purchase an anti-fungal shampoo and conditioner. In my research I read that it can be passed on to other dogs, i.e. Leche ( my in-laws dog) and humans!

I decided to take her in to the vet. We are still waiting for the ringworm test results to come back, but she did test positive for a bacterial skin infection. A couple hundred dollars later and a bag full of meds we are on day 4 of her antibiotics. 

The trick you see... is getting her to take it twice a day, for 14 days. 

So my brilliant husband decided to 'gut' a goldfish cracker and stuff her antibiotic in it. Clever eh? after the second dose he was a pro at carving out (not pulverizing like me) the outer layer of the cracker, as if he had done it a million times in the past. Kinda made me nervous- not gonna lie. 

But you know they say that behind a good man theres a great woman?  I opened a jar of skippy and slathered a healthy portion on top.

She loves the fished cuz' their so delicious, and nutritious.

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