I have to admit, when i told people i was monogramming my own aisle runner, they looked at me a bit crazy. Even Juj had doubts. He suggested i get something screened on, or have a huge stencil created. But Lorena had faith. Once i found the swirly hearts -not flowered- fabric runner i was set to go. Note, you have to use a fabric runner or else it wont work. I only say this because i read about a bride who didn't notice she needed to get a fabric one until her paint was bubbling on top of the runner.
And here is my completed project with a few instructions-
In order to get the monogram in the right location, i double checked with our church to ensure the length of the aisle and to confirm which way they rolled the runner, altar to doors or doors to altar. I unrolled our runner to find the desired position for the monogram, 3/4 of the way down the aisle, coming away from the altar- so basically closer to the doors.
I had juju blow up the monogram to print on a 4 pages, so there was a 1/4 of the monogram on each page, sort of like a puzzle. I aligned all the pieces and taped it together to create one huge piece of paper.
I took white construction paper and placed it under wax paper. I read that many brides only use wax paper, but using the white paper underneath made it a bit easier to see the tracings. (you'll see)
Here are pictures of the actual runner rolled out, with the monogram traced on it. I used a mechanical pencil because i found the thinner lead was easier to work with since you really cant erase on the runner without ruining the fabric.
Here are the completed R's. Its hard to see its true color because of the lighting in the room and i used the flash on someone the pictures. I let the R's dry overnight. You don't really have to let it sit overnight, but i was actually on my way out, so i decided to finish it the next day.
The 'filigree' on the monogrammed became challenging at times. I had to use a tiny detailing brush. Its important to remember that when you are 'painting' you have to brush with the 'grain' of the fabric. I tried to not 'paint', more so push a tiny glob of paint around. Again i worked my way from the center out. I did have a few ''Oh Crap" moments- but i was able to fix any problems (splatters) without much effort.
Here are 2 pictures of the final monogram.
This picture is a little slanted, but i was standing on top of one of my moms dinning room chairs, trying to focus the camera and not fall off all at once.
I am beyond please with the results, the pictures don't do it much justice, in fact it kinda looks like a snowflake. Not what i was going for, But i love it anyway.
I'd like to also thank Juju & Gaby for their attempt at helping me.
I'm only Kiddin'! I appreciate your guys help.
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