Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pilgrimage to San Juan

So its taken me 4 separate attempts to write this post. Why? I'm not sure- I think its because its hard for me to convey what I'm feeling. I usually manage, you know, italicize here and there, bold/CAPITALIZE when i want to get loud, you know- the usual. So if you can, try to understand.

On Wednesday I'm leaving to Mexico with one purpose. I am going on a religious pilgrimage.

Kinda out of the blue huh? Let me explain- Every year, at the end of January, there is a pilgrimage to the church of the virgin of San Juan de Los Lagos, in Jalisco, Mexico. People make promises to take the pilgrimage to San Juan to visit the Virgin of San Juan in exchange for a miracle. Sounds like a deal right? Well, technically yes. I know i make it sound like a physical exchange- like you are trading baseball cards, but its more like a test of faith. You have to have faith that what your praying for will come to fruition. And you have to really pray. You cant assume that you can pray once and all your worries will disappear- or you can leave it all up to God, without you doing everything you can before leaving the rest up to the Big Guy.

People make promises, or mandas, to make the 100+ kilometer pilgrimage (depending on what part of town you are coming from) to San Juan on foot, and depending on the magnitude of the persons faith or miracle, people complete their mandas barefoot, or carrying a child, or even on their knees. Let me explain. Some people pray for smaller things, or miracles, such as a mother praying for The Virgin to help her rebellious child finish high school, or for an estranged relationship to mend, Others pray for bigger things like a desperate couple trying to conceive after several miscarriages, or a husband praying for his wife to become cancer free. You see, you can pray for anything, you can pray for the simplest of things to the most impossible of things- Yet if you have faith that it will come to fruition, it will. Like i said, it may be hard for some of you to understand what I'm saying, or where I'm coming from, but please- try to understand.

Now that you know a little bit of the background. I can explain what my involvement in this. My mom has a manda to complete. So as soon as what she prayed for came to be, she wanted to complete her end of the promise. My sister Gaby, was supposed to travel with her to Mexico- since she doesn't like traveling on her own. But my sister is all knocked up now, she'd be about 33 weeks at the time when they were suppose to travel. So my mom asked me to accompany her in her travels- not in the manda.

Never did she expect me to complete the pilgrimage with her, nor did she ask me to do it. But I immediately started to think about it. I actually couldn't stop thinking about it. Gaby asked me right away- She wanted to know if i was doing the pilgrimage with ma or not. And i thought about. and i thought about it. and thought about it some more. I really didn't have a reason per say, to do it. But i couldn't stop thinking about it. I really wanted to do it- but i was scared. I was nervous. I got butterflies in my stomach every time i gave long thought to it. But along with the nervousness and butterflies, there was something inside of me that said, go ahead! Do it! C'mon! Do it! I started to think of what it would be like to experience such a pilgrimage with people, who in essence, had been saved by their faith. Even though i had no reason to do it, i felt like i was given this opportunity for a reason. I felt as if at the end of this pilgrimage something, i didn't know what, was going to be revealed to me (like an epiphany of sorts)- Like I was being called to do this- and by God's will, the sequence of events happened as they did, for my benefit.

So on Wednesday morning, around 3 am, my mom and i will make our way to Chicago to catch out 6 am flight to Mexico. As of now, we are scheduled to begin our pilgrimage on Thursday before dawn. Depending on how long we rest for, it will take us about 29 hours to complete our 52+ mile pilgrimage.

I know it wont be a walk in the park- pun intended- as it will be open terrain, gravel and dirt roads, mountains, hills and plenty of sloops, and some paved roads. I am confident that i will make it- many people don't on their first attempt. But i can say that i am, cowardly, afraid of the physical pain i will go through. But i am confident that i will make it.

If you pray, keep my mom and i in your prayers.

And in case you were wondering, I later found the purpose of my pilgrimage. And no honey- its not for the packers to win the Superbowl. I hope to be able to document my pilgrimage. As i write this... this butterfly in my stomach have eased, and now I'm onto a feeling of excitement.

I will be back in a week.

Sit tight boys and girls- when i come back, I'll walk you through my journey


Newlyweds on a Budget said...

oh my gosh, wow! that is sucha deep comittment! my parents have told me about these pilgrimages, and I kow my mom visits the church every year on the virgin mary's birthday (I think?) because she prayed for my brother to be a boy because my dad REALLY wanted a boy and he turned out to be a boy (even though doctors told my mom that there was a 90% chance he was going to be a girl). ANYWAY--long story short. I have a lot of faith. I completely believe in pilgrimages. I believe God has answered all my prayers and I don't understand why I have been so blessed. I keep praying and He keeps making things happen...so I'll send good vibes your way for your pilgrimage. Can't wait to read about it!

Cristy said...

:( My Father wanted all of us to complete that very same pilgrimage for my brother :( but then I got all knocked up... I'm so glad your doing it I'm sure i will be a life changing experience.. good luck..