Monday, May 10, 2010

I have a crush

I have been doing really good lately. I haven't shopped much. Do i want to? yes. Is there a few things on my list that I really want  need? yes. Unfortunately, im the type of person who gets what she wants, not in the way your thinking. In a non-mean girl type of way. Once the idea is in my head, it really wont go away until it comes to fulfillment. For example, not long ago i had a thought. I said- "Lolo, You need a good pair of nude shoes" so i searched high and low, online, on sale, at the store... everywhere. I knew i wanted them. In my head... i already had them, i just needed to find them. In my head, they looked great with a top i had just purchased (with my debit card =]). One day as we were shopping for some new work clothes for juju, there they were. Sitting, being nicely displayed in the store's window. I asked for my size and they were perfect, and so they were mine.

Below is a random compilation of all the things that have recently caught my eye....

So honey, if your reading this, these are a few of the items i may or may not like as a the near future. Please.
I just notice how many shoes are on my crush list. You know what they say 'Diamonds and Shoes are a girls best friends'

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