Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If i were a boy

Sometimes, i amaze myself- really. I always have these really romantic ideas. Or very thoughtful and carefully crafted projects. Or i spend weeks upon weeks researching and exhausting all my options to find the perfect anything.This leads me to believe that i would make a great boy, or guy, or male in a relationship. I mean it was February and i was already bouncing ideas off my friends for a great anniversary gift. I know girls are wired differently than guys are, but still. I mean we are identical in make up, with the exception of a few parts.

So what is it about guys that seem to lack this Romanticism? Or is that we, as girls, forget that men aren't generally in touch with their softer side? I think a lot of times we get swept away with the protagonists from those romantic comedies. You know, where the girls walk away from the relationship and he sits at home all alone,  thinking... only to discover that he really does love her and takes a plane, a cab, a train ( anything ) to find her and profess his love for her before shes gone forever? And at this point it has started raining and he catches up to her in the middle of the street and simply pulls her in and kisses and embraces her in the pouring rain.


So if i were a boy, would i be as romantic as i have proclaimed to be? or would i simple be that. A boy?

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