Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I love Ju(ju)- Swagger like that

Today im lovin' Jujus swagga'. Juju has a distinct sense of style. When we step out, hes dressed to impress. Hes not afraid to step out the boundaries of acceptable norms for fashion. Not only does he dress well, but he helps keep me on point too. He always offers constructive criticism when i ask him how something looks. He is quite fashion savvy, both in men's and woman's fashion.

Along with his ability to dress and impress, he is able to keep my stomach aching with his sense of humor. I've never been in a situation that Juj hasn't been able to turn right side up with his sense of humor. I remember when i first met juju i thought he was by far the funniest person i had ever met. I've always told him that the day he cant make me laugh any longer... its over. I love that he doesn't take himself too serious (only when needed). He can make light of any situation and is not afraid to act like himself in front of my family. His sense of humor is easy going, non offensive and honestly unique.

His swagger goes beyond 'no on the corner has swagger like us' .... His swagger is confidence and sophistication. His swagger earns him respect because he conducts himself in a respectful manner. His swagger means he owns the room because of his natural charisma.

I just have to say... If he's Mr.Swagger, I'm Mrs.Swagger.

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