Monday, November 15, 2010


I know im a little late but, November 5th marked my blogs 2 year anniversary. {enter applause}  I initially started this blog when Juj and I got engaged, or shortly thereafter. I wanted to document our plans and progress with the wedding and include our everyday adventures, obstacles. The wedding came and went. Then i was left pondering what would happen to my blog. Would i start a new one? would i just find myself to busy to continue blogging? After a rough patch of blogging, i decided that i wanted to continue writing- for myself if anything.

 I was once asked- So... what? are hoping that someone discovers your blog and wants you to write a book or publish some of your writings?. No. first, Although i do enjoy writing i dont believe i write well enough to ever be published. 2. its an outlet to help me express my thoughts and feelings. and 3. shut up. who asked you?!? ;-D

So although my blog has helped me get through some tough times, and its gone through some tough times. We're in it for the long haul. Im not sure were it will go. Not sure how long it will last... maybe through our first house purchase, maybe through our first baby, heck maybe through babys first day of school, who knows.

So raise your belated glass to toast to BecomingMrs.Juju's 2 year anniversary!




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