Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Co-Sleeping alone

Juj's uncle passed away last week and his services are being held in Michigan, yesterday and today. He, along with my SIL & MIL left to Michigan yesterday. I thought no biggie. He'll be gone for 2 days- top. I had a meeting at church yesterday from 7-8:30 so i figured by the time i get home from work (6) and take my mom to work at 9:30, do my exercises- it'll be bed time before i know it, right? I ran to target and strolled through the aisles at a leisurely pace. I came home, ate dinner, watched a little tv. My head was pounding so i didn't exercise. Before I got into bed at about 11, I turned off all the lights in the house, except the bathroom light, as usual. I went into the bedroom to find cookie making herself comfortable in the bed. It was quiet. And Dark. I got out of bed and checked all the lights, and windows. Locked the door. Got back into bed. Did i put the milk away? I got out of bed to check. (yes, i had) I got back into bed. I put on a movie on netflix because the room so dark ( even with the light coming through the window ) and quiet. At one point cookie jumped off the bed and into her own ( nooo! i quietly cried)... and what did i do? I got up and put her right back into the bed with me. Finally i fell asleep around 1 ( last time i checked)

3 am. Then i had a scary dream. Said a prayer. fell back asleep

4 am. Woke up gasping for air. Same scary dream. Walked into Jujus closet and got his robe. Said a prayer and fell back asleep, holding on to Juj's robe.

4:45 am. Up again. Everytime i went back to sleep i would pick up right where i left off in the scary dream.

5:30 - 6 am. Awake. That's it. Im not going back to sleep. no-uh. nope. not gonna. So i sat up and tried reading a pages in my book. My eyes were burning and feeling heavy. I turned on the TV determined not to fall asleep anymore.

7:45 am. woke up to cookie staring at me. AH $#*T. I overslept. (she could've nudge me or something)

Who knew, that after sharing (and i'll use that term loosely, since he's a bedhog) a bed with juju, one night a way from him would be so scary, so lonely. And to think, that i was looking forward to having the entire bed to myself- I ended up sleeping, curled up with his robe on his side.

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