Saturday, February 14, 2009

Doing It Ourselves

So like i had mentioned earlier this week, on Friday all my girls and some family met me at Juju's house to get started on our centerpieces. I bought them months ago and i had already tested one with several different colors that i thought would give me the gold tone that i wanted. Since the centerpieces were black, i need to first coat them in brown and then go over them with the gold. Juju and i had thought of different ways to go about this, we even thought about spray painting them, but i really wanted them to have more texture then that. So we opted for the tried and true sponging.
Finally on friday (the 13th-eek) everyone was to meet me at Jujus house, so once Dulce and Pita got there we started unpacking and putting the centerpieces together. Soon after everyone arrived and we were got ready to get down and dirty. eh, well as dirty as sponge painting can get.
As you can see below everyone was sponging there little hearts away, being ever so careful and delicate with my centerpieces.Everyone had completed the first coat on their centerpieces when someone noticed that their paint started flaking off. FLAKING. OFF. what? i ran over to see what they were talking about, since i had already tried one at home and we were following the same procedure i used for the 'test' centerpiece.Well hot damn. Sure enough it came off easier then it went on. It literally came off on your fingers. As so you can see below there was no chance it would hold, even if we were extra careful. Nope. It was so cute because Pita was so determined to finish sponging hers brown, even though we all had come to the sad conclusion that it wasn't working. And Cristy was guarding hers from nati who was being malicious towards her candelabra.
Plan B- Juj, being the genius that he is thought that priming them would help the paint stay. Sure enough, after we washed all the candelabras we had started painting brown, priming them did the trick. So after 14 frozen pizzas, a broken step stool, and several panic filled moments we got a good head start on them.

They aren't completely done, seeing that we had to unscrew and take the candelabras apart. The tea light holders will be a another adventure in its self because they are so tiny. On the bright side 5 of my girls dresses came in. I'm still waiting on 2 more and Dulces. I'll keep you posted on the centerpiece progress.

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