Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Its Cold Out There

The other day in my daily current news and events on-line update i came across a sad yet interesting story. The title read "People Ignore Man Dying on Street". I clicked on the link, not because i am intrigued to see photos or footage, but because i was interested to know what could have possibly been more important than ailing this victim.

I was amazed at the lack of reaction people took to the dying man. There was even a poll asking whether or not you would stop to check on someone who seems to be injured. When readers were polled, 60 something percent of the people said they have or would have stopped to aid a victim. Hm. I wonder why the other 30 something percent wouldn't stop?

I have been, i wouldn't say criticized, but 'scolded' for performing random acts of kindness or for being a responsible citizen. Why? you ask? Well because i may or may have not put myself in the safest situation. But i figure, well if your going to go, might as well it not be in vain. Of course no one knows when their time will be, for all i know i could step out onto the street, be tripped by a snail, hit my head on the curb and die. I mean its a long shot, but it could happen.

Perfect example, one day cookie and I were heading home, when we saw a person in a wheel chair, slumped over. It was the end of November, and if anyone remembers, it was really really cold those last couple of days in November. The person was wearing a few layers of clothing and had a blanket over their legs. I saw them as i drove by and it immediate pulled on my heart strings. I got home and proceeded to get ready for bed. But i couldn't stop thinking about this person. I wonder how long they had been out there for? Where they sick? hungry? in pain? I wonder why they were out there? Where was their family? My eyes were filled with tears before i had a chance to grasp this persons situation. I knew i couldn't bring them home with me, the least i could do was get some food together. I whipped up a few sandwiches, put some fruit and snacks and something to drink in a bag and headed back into the cold to give it to this person.

I was nervous, i was scared. I didn't know how this person would react. I parked my car, picked up the bag of food with one hand and took cookie in the other. I approached the women and asked her if she was ok. I asked her if she needed help. I got no response. I could hear her breathing in a profound sleep so i gently approached her and got a close as i could. I didn't want to wake her and startle her. I left the bag of food and the foot of her blanket.

During this whole ordeal, a couple walked out the corner restaurant and just looked on from afar. There was even a younger guy, who, while i was standing next to this women in the wheel chair, came up to me and asked me to use my phone. And from across the street 2 people pointed and stopped to look. How could this person be invisible to people passing by? How can people be so cold? So heartless? I dont care who you are or what you do, that person, that stranger, that homeless man, is just as human as you and I.

Have you ever done anything like that? Helped out a complete stranger. I know some people might think its stupid or foolish of me to do something like this, but i again i say, Why not? You might respond, because its dangerous. You might get hurt. True. I might, but i might not. I might help that person in more ways than i can count. And besides God will never let anything bad happen to you when you're trying to do his work. And if something does happen, i assure you that you will go to heaven, shoes on and all. If you're not sure if you would be safe or not, but you really want to help someone out. Call 911. I've done it plenty times. Its free.

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