Friday, February 20, 2009

Valentines day

Juju and i typically don't celebrate 'hallmark' holidays. Valentines day, Sweetest Day, Grounds Hog Day etc. He knows how much i love him and i know how much he loves me. I'm not saying its wrong, or dumb to celebrate valentines day, but to me its just another day in which corporate America tries to get you into trouble. Like, have you ever seen or heard those commercials that say, "show her how much you love her with this so and so" or "let her know you love her with this diamond blah blah". Let me make it clear that i am in no away against receiving diamonds. =-) I just think that you need a particular day to express your love to one another. I think having a random romantic dinner or a date on an ordinary Wednesday means more then commercializing your love on February 14th. Plus, i feel bad for the guy who cant come home with the diamond blah blah, to let her know how much he loves her. Now she'll never know!

I digress. So we decided to all go out for valentines day as a group this year. It was the usual peeps. We got all dolled up and headed to Tropical.
Vic and Leah with a bucket o'beers
Keeping with the valentines lovey dovie decor & mood i wore a pink shirt. The funny thing is that it all 'clicked' when once i got there. Then i realized i was that person.

Here is my cousins Marco & Patty.
Candy, Me, My pink shirt & Juju
Juanito and Candy.
(Not Pictured)
Gaby & Jesse

Seeing that it was Valentines day, there was an $8 cover, but those 8 dollars entitled you to a rose, champagne in those fancy fake glasses and all you could eat (or until it was gone) buffet. I thought it was quiet a deal. I mean 8 bucks, that's enough to cover your dinner after bar. Although i think we did have some McChickens at Gaby's house afterwards. oops

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