Friday, October 8, 2010

Eatin' Cheap

I find that this post is perfect after my rant about budgeting. Last week Thursday, i think, i was reading a post about and an amazing one day promotion they had going on. I rarely ever "take people up on discount offers", plus it sounded too good to be true so i wanted to check it out myself.

I browsed through the restaurants in my area and found a lot of restaurants that i have been to, like, or would like to try. So there i was loading my cart with tons and tons of gift certificates to all these restaurants. I know what your thinking, what about your budget? Well amigos... take a gander- this is what i got:

$50 gift certificate
$50 Wards house of prime
$25 Houlihans
$25 (3)Kil@wat
$25 (2)Molly Cools
$25 Bistro Bar 333
$25 Pepino's Pizzeria
$25 Libiamo
$10 (2)Marchese's Olive Pit
$10 (2)Antigua

Ok, lets add those bad boys up... Ok, lets see carry the one... $365 dollars worth of gift certificates. Even if i got them at 50% off i would never spend that much, specially up front for them.

Grand total $17.60

And if my math serves me correct, we got all these gift cards at about a 95% discount. I know,!!

Please hold your applause. Seriously, sit. No need for a standing ovation.

Something funny though, Juj must have looked at the account afterwards because he was like... "wait!?! what is this purchase for" He thought it was fraud since i did 2 separate transactions and they were both very small.

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