Thursday, May 6, 2010

Im allergic to....pasta?!?

I have definitely been feeling better the last couple of days. I mean my eating habits have drastically changed. I've eaten very little to no starchy foods, no breads, no wheats, no nothing. Recently, my Dr. and i discussed gluten allergies. She told me that many people develop allergies to gluten as adult. For some it can be drastic- like those who have Siliac (sp?), for others it can be very mild- like a few stomach aches here and there. In a nut shell, if you love pasta as much as i do, you know that after stuffing your face with pasta and garlic bread, your stomach starts hurting and not just like a "ouch" i ate too much, more like an "ow.. i feel bloated, with a sharp pain when i try and suck it in"... feeling. And its not only when you eat a wheat/flour filled meal. For example, If i had pasta for lunch and then i had pizza for dinner, then perhaps a sandwhich for lunch the next day, your stomach ache never really goes away.

Some days i would wake up and my stomach was already ( or still ) hurting. I would easy off the wheats/flours and slowly it would feel better. So for a while i stopped eating as much breads/flours/pasta/wheats when ever i could. This lasted for about 3/4 weeks. Now just to make it clear, I'm not talking about starches, like potatoes and rice. Those, actually are ok to eat if you have gluten allergies. My stomach felt better, i slowly introduced wheats/flours slowly back into my diet, but still regulating my intake, making sure i didn't eat them more than once a day. My Dr. also recommended homeopathic remedies. I picked up a bottle of 'Carbo Vegetabilis' at Outpost and it definitely works to soothe the pain associated with gluten allergies. Now since ive been eating nothing but fresh, natural, raw food my stomach has been feeling better than ever. It really makes me think twice about what i put in my body, don't get me wrong, I'm only human and i do get cravings, and giving in once in a while is fine, but i really enjoy living pain free as well.

Tough call, huh?

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