Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Even if it kills me

I've always been a fruit eater. Even as a child I loved me some fruit. Any kind at that. I used to consume an entire cantaloupe by myself- when i was 7. The one and only fruit i will not eat is papaya- for smelly reasons- other than that... bring it.

And so the apple brought it. One lovely day, years ago, while enjoying a nice crispy Gala apple, something happened. About 3/4 bites into it... i began getting an itchy, tingly sensation around my lips and gums. Meh. Didn't think much about it. So there i was munch. munch. much. My throat started feeling funny. So i walked over to the mirror to find that the inside of my mouth was bright red and it looked like blood had rushed to the surface in some areas and my throat was red and swelling.

There you have it ladies and gents.... I was allergic to apples.

That was the abrupt end to my relationship with apples. Recently, i have been having immense cravings for apples. I mean, what is the fall season with out apples??? A while back i discovered that i am mainly allergic to the actual apple peel. (Thanks a lot factory farms who have made it nearly impossible for me to enjoy an apple, with all your chemicals and toxins you use to produce your apples)  If i peel the apple the affects are significantly less, but its not the same, you don't get that crunch and satisfaction of biting into that outer peel. I have succumbed into temptations a few times at work, but i make sure i tell a co-worker that I'm having an apple, just in case i loose consciousness due to airflow restriction.

Last week at the grocery store, while picking up a bag of apples for juju (lucky punk), i made a decision.

Apples, your not the boss of me. I am the boss of you, sorta.

So i took to bags, one for juj and one to make applesauce with. Last night i peeled, cored, and chopped up a bag of apples. I added a pinch of cinnamon and a special secret ingredient.... and tah-dah! Homemade applesauce, super easy, super fast and it is au naturale- no added nothing, well except cinnamon and my secret ingredient =-)

I only taste tested it last night since i was exhausted, but i didn't feel any reaction coming on. Although it does not offer the crunch i long for in an apples, it satisfies my cravings for them.

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