Monday, September 6, 2010

Just because

I don't think i let him know this enough. Juju is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. He provides such an amazing support in my life i would honestly go nuts with out him. Im not going to sugar coat this, because im sure you all think- yeah, yeah. what a blessing, yada yada yada. hes so amazing, blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, sometimes, I want to beat him with an orange stuffed sock in his sleep- but as i approach him, sock in hand- and i see his face snuggled into his pillow, covered to his neck with his half, and my half, of the blanket and his big (envious) pout- my heart melts.

I go to school, I have a very demanding job, I am involved at my church, I am constantly running around like a chicken with out a head, whether it be for school group meeting, to run errands, to take my ma places, or for work related activities- he is always there, trying to help. Poor guy hasn't had a decent home cooked meal in a while. We try to make time for us- but sometimes our schedules conflict. Does he complain? no.

A few weeks ago i hosted girls night for some of my girlfriends. The entire 2 weeks before hand he dedicated all his spare time to clean our house. Seriously. I mean he dusted, he washed, he scrubbed, he mopped, he swept, he organized, re organized, dis organized. He was a machine! He helped me so much, and then come the day of, he came home, helped with some finishing touches, took a shower and headed out the door ( you know, its girls night.... and all). Did i ask him to help? no, not once. He is just that good.

 Hes got my back. And i got his.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding me. I need to tell Will thank you more often. He just spent one quarter of his vacation at Home Depot, another quarter at the auto parts store and the remaining time was split between house cleaning, basement cleaning, laundry, fixing, cooking and babysitting! We are some lucky gals.