Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Reasons for the Seasons

With Labor day behind us, the weather dropping and the cooler days rolling in, my brain automatically begins to think of the changes up ahead. Its hard for me to pick a season as my favorite season. If i had to number them in order of my liking for them it would have to be- Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.

Summer- I like the warmth, i love the sun, i love wearing sunglasses, i love busting out the chicken legs. And truthfully, the heat doesn't "get to me" as it does to other people, in fact i was asked: "Do you even sweat?!?" I love the smell of the grill. It reminds me of eating hot dogs, in tortillas, after swimming with my sister. I love that the days seem to last forever.

Fall- I like the smell it has. I like the sound of leaves crunching under my feet, not to mention the different shandes of amber the tree leaves turn. I like sweat pants, a lot, i even wear them in the summer =-D i like socks and footies and sock footies and chanclas. I also like the fact that its cold enough to have an excuse to drink hot drinks. I like pumpkin flavored a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. I like pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin breads, muffins, ice cream, cheesecake, pie, etc. etc. hell i have even had pumpkin shampoo. I like the fall because you can have bonfires and drink wine as you listen to the wood(& any other items you might have thrown in there because the stupid thing wouldn't stay lit) crackle.

Winter- that's a no brainer, like any other child  person, i favor my birthday season. I love being ridiculously bundled up ( because im a coldy cat ), I like driving in the snow with my snow tires, I love that i can still wear my sunglasses because it is unbelievably bright with snowfall. I love the fact that i live far enough from work to milk any large snow fall, and of course snow days!! I'm beginning to like Christmas as the time passes. Having lost my brother, and by no means close to the Christmas season, always made my (our) Christmas feel so incomplete, so sad, so cold (no pun intended), so 'dark'. This past Christmas was my little family's first, we did a lot of things to the house to make it seem more Christmasee. We I decked the halls with something jolly and i was happy. I actually don't mind that cold all that much either. I like the feeling of my face defrosting when i step inside a warm house, makes me feel alive!

Spring- I don't like spring. two words. WET & WINDY yuk! I know, April shower bring blah blah blah. But it gets so nasty and gray outside. It makes me not want to do anything. at all. Heck even cookie dislikes spring the most. She loved to sunbathe, she too, likes the sound of crackling leaves under her paws, and although she is a coldy cat like her momma, as long and their is a path she'll walk to do her business. She does not like the rain. at. all. in fact when she walks as close to the house as possible to find refuge under the small dry area the roof provides. Another thing i dislike is that once the snow melts, there is always those few leaves that have been buried all season long and get all wet and mushy and stick to the bottom of your shoe because of all the rain.

With fall right around the corner, I begin to get excited to transition into my fall wardrobe, which i have yet to buy =-D

1 comment:

Cristy said...

I like the new renovation of the Bacoming Mrs. Juju site.. ;)