Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Its hard to believe this year is over. Tomorrow it will 2009. The beginning of a new year, a chance to set (new) goals, a chance to actually keep them. An opportunity to make amends, to bury the hatchet. A shot to change or touch the lives of others, to make a difference. This year, i will jump on the weight loss resolution 'wagon', like i have many years in the past. But this year, i have my own.

I have been assigned conductor, but i have no one on this wagon yet. Its open to anyone who wants to join.

This year, on my wagon, I will try to be a better person overall. I will try and be a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, a better fiance, and soon, the best wife i can be. I will turn the other cheek, give the benefit of the doubt when the doubt is the only thing present, believe in peoples genuine intentions to do good. Continue to believe that every panhandler really needs it and that God is in that person. Show the people i love how much i really love them, be grateful for the smallest things in life, be grateful for them. Celebrate life. Celebrate the end of someones life. Live and love without fear. Remember that no one likes to be taken for granted, please and thank you are the magic words. No one lasts forever, every person in your life, every aunt, every cousin, your mom and your dad, sister, brother, they will all pass one day, do you want to live with the regret that you didn't do what you could to make the most of your time together?

I'm sorry if I've saddened you, sometimes, we need to stop and reflect on how we are living our lives. But don't worry, if you feel guilty of anything. You have a whole year to make it better. Tonight, when we yell "happy new year!" lets mean it.

So to all my readers out there (if any lol) Happy New You!

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