Friday, April 24, 2009


I just want to share the cuteness that is the new addition to Irma's family. Her name in Taina. Taina is the female version on Taino, and the Tainos are the native indians of Puerto Rico. As i read some information on the Taino indians i came across this description-

Their complexion were bronze-colored, average stature, dark, flowing, coarse hair, and large and slightly oblique dark eyes

I couldn't have thought of a better name for her, well expect her the coarse hair part. Juju and i went to go see her at the pet shop even before she was brought home. She is only 8 weeks old and shy of 2 pounds. Here are a few pictures.
She is absolutely tiny, so tiny, it seems surreal. When she walks, she pounces. She makes this pitiful attempt to bark/growl that sounds more less like a duck.
After playing with Mathew (Maria's little brother) she was wiped out. I held her for a few minutes while she almost literally gave me a tongue bath, before she fell asleep. I wish i could remember when Cookie was a puppy, but since i adopted her at the age of 7, her puppy tendencies were long gone. I guess I'll have to like vicariously through Irma.

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