Friday, April 17, 2009

répondez s'il vous plaît"

We received our first RSVP in the mail yesterday.

I opened my mailbox to sadly only find junk mail and bills. Then as i was getting ready to lock it back up a little postcard slipped out from in between the newspaper- 2 of them! Sweet! i immediately became excited. I ran in my house to put them in the special designated RSVP card location, on top of my desk. I received a few responses at work already, some yes, some no, but both very exciting.

I hope that many people RSVP. We, Hispanics, have a bad tendency to not RSVP for the smaller events- birthday, communions etc. I'm hoping everyone sends them out even if they are not coming. My biggest fear is that people don't RSVP and end up showing up for the dinner and we have no way of accommodating them. I mean the hotel can only be held liable for the final guest count and a small overage percentage. At Nick's cousins wedding, 35 additional guest showed up who never rsvp'd. Can you imagine that Thirty-Five! That is almost 5 extra tables. That is 5 extra tables that wont have centerpieces, and linen, and favors nor place settings. Oh my, that's scary to think about.

There is still more 14 days until the RSVP deadline- So if your reading this... and you haven't sent out your RSVP. You should be ashamed of yourself! If you've sent it already-Please disregard this scolding.


Your Sister said...

IF i would've received a response card...I WOULD RSVP!!!! but since I didn't...put me down for 2!

Cristy said...

"you should be ashamed of yourself". Lol.. too funny!!

limonsnotcool said...

le fine ricky bobby!