Monday, April 27, 2009

Bridesmaids Bouquets Take 2

This past weekend I just about finished my girls bouquets. Here are a few more pictures and the rest of the instructions.
This picture shows one full stem with a variety of colors. In order to make one bouquet, i will use 2 stems to make it fuller and a bit bigger.
I measured the desired length for the bouquets, I cut the stem and took the bottom part of the stem and added it to the handle stem part to give it added fullness. So in total there was 4 stems, 2 actually attached to the flowers and 2 pieces of stem from what was cut off.

I tied the top and the bottom of the stems with floral wire, to hold all 4 stems together.

Then i wrapped the stems with floral wrap- is that what its called, that sticky, stretchy green stuff?
Lastly i wrapped them in ivory ribbon. This was hard to take pictures of it took 2 of us to hold the bouquet, hold the spool of ribbon, and turn the bouquet.

So here is the finished product. The length looks sorta long in the pictures but in real life they are the perfect length and shadow is all over the first one. And honestly, they look a lot better in person then in the pictures, you'll see at the wedding!

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