Monday, April 20, 2009

Hair Today Gone in 3 Hours

Other then the usual wedding related weekend activities, I wanted to talk about a certain little Xfurry family member. He is Juju's family dog. This is Leche. Leche (meaning Milk) is a designer pooch-PomaPoo. Not to be confused as a cross between a pomegranate and a poodle, but a Pomeranian and a poodle.

This is him at about a year of age. He's a tiny little guy but he is feisty and hyper and a bit uncoordinated. Cookie and Leche started off to a bit rough. Cookie is turning 9 in 30 days and leche, well leche is still a puppy. Therefore he loves to play and jump and bark and even nibble on a shoe or two.

I recall once helping juju give him a hair cut. It took up nearly 6 hours, and to top it off, he wasn't even trimmed all the way. During the winter months they abstained from cutting his hair, you know, to help him keep warm. Well as time passed and the weather got warmer his hair became long, and tangled and simply unmanageable. Knots became to large and nearly impossible to brush out.

Juju's parents invested in a (almost at the) top of the line clippers and cut his hair on Sunday. It took Juju a little over 3 hours to cut his hair, mainly because of the knots. Also, Leche was relatively nervous and as the hours progressed, and his coat disappearing-he got cold, anxious and pretty sure he was hungry.

Here are a few before and after pictures-
And after, it was hard to get a cute picture of him, I know he feels naked, therefore he darts from place to place. Possibly to hide, but for all i know he probably thinks he's streaking.

He looks so tiny with out any fur! He looks like a completely new different dog. Juj had no other option then to basically shave all of his fur off.

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