Monday, January 26, 2009


Its funny how you tend to miss someone more when they are in another state. I mean i could go a day without Juj, but 64 1/2 hours?!!? That's enough to drive a sane person mad! Mad i tell you. Ok well maybe not mad per say. But lonely, needless to say. Juju has been wanting to go to the Detroit auto show for years. We have been to the Chicago and Milwaukee one in the past, but i guess the Detroit one is bigger and has more luxury cars that don't make it to Milwaukee. So finally he did. He and his family ventured on a last minute road trip to Michigan. They have family in Grand Rapids, so they were to stay there and drive out to Detroit for the show.

But Juju leaving for the weekend really made me realize how much i really feel his absence. Don't get me wrong, i worked all weekend so its not like i had time to physically sit around and miss him, its the fact that he was far far away. I got off of work, it was cold, i was hungry and no Juju to go home to. =-/ The next day ditto, well except i had Burger King for dinner. Bad, i know.

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